Install Oracle Database 9i ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (Update 4) / CentOS 4.4  (Kernel 2.6.9-42.0.8.EL i386 32 Bit)

~ Ram Perumal

Table of Contents

1) Things you need before Installation
2) Installing Required RPMs
3) Create ORACLE Software owner OS User
4) Setup Kernel Parameters, File Handlers, and Limits
5) Setup Temporary Swap Space
6) Setup Oracle Environment Variables
7) Unpack Oracle Software Archives
8) Verify X-Windows
9) Starting Oracle Universal Installer
10) Oracle Software Installation (
11) Upgrading Oracle9i R2 ( to Oracle 9i R2 (
12) Database Creation
13) Database Startup and Shutdown

1) Things you need before Installation

1a) Red Hat Packages:

Install below or higher versions of Red Hat RPM packages;


1b) Oracle Supplied Compat Packages: 


1c) Oracle Software:

Below files can be downloaded from


1d) Oracle Patches:

Below files can be downloaded from

1e) Validation and Certification:

For Validation and/or Certification, Checkout Oracle Validation Certification Matrix

2) Installing Required RPMs

2a) Query Installed Packages:

rpm -q make compat-db compat-gcc-32 compat-gcc-32-c++ compat-oracle-rhel4 compat-libcwait compat-libgcc-296 compat-libstdc++-296 compat-libstdc++-33 gcc gcc-c++ gnome-libs gnome-libs-devel libaio-devel libaio openmotif21 xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel xorg-x11-deprecated-libs

Sample output as below;

package compat-oracle-rhel4 is not installed
package compat-libcwait is not installed
package gnome-libs-devel is not installed
package libaio-devel is not installed
package libaio is not installed
package openmotif21 is not installed
package xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel is not installed

If any of the above packages show as " not installed". Use yum or up2date to install, it will resolve dependencies automatically.

yum install packagename  or   up2date packagename  

Sample yum install log below;

[root@deskpro ~]# yum install gnome-libs-devel libaio-devel libaio openmotif21 xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel

Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories
update 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 
base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 
addons 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 
extras 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 
Reading repository metadata in from local files
primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 105 kB 00:00 
update : ################################################## 307/307
Added 50 new packages, deleted 0 old in 9.10 seconds
primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 35 kB 00:00 
extras : ################################################## 139/139
Added 6 new packages, deleted 0 old in 1.32 seconds
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
.... output omitted...
Dependencies Resolved

Package Arch Version Repository Size 
gnome-libs-devel i386 1: base 1.1 M
libaio i386 0.3.105-2 base 18 k
libaio-devel i386 0.3.105-2 base 9.9 k
openmotif21 i386 2.1.30-11.RHEL4.6 base 991 k
xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel i386 6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5 update 274 k
Installing for dependencies:
ORBit-devel i386 1:0.5.17-14 base 363 k
alsa-lib-devel i386 1.0.6-5.RHEL4 base 808 k
audiofile-devel i386 1:0.2.6-1.el4.1 base 82 k
esound-devel i386 1:0.2.35-2 base 29 k
fontconfig-devel i386 2.2.3-7.centos4 base 232 k
freetype-devel i386 2.1.9-4.el4 base 533 k
glib-devel i386 1:1.2.10-15 base 114 k
gtk+-devel i386 1:1.2.10-33 base 1.1 M
imlib-devel i386 1:1.9.13-23 base 235 k
libjpeg-devel i386 6b-33 base 169 k
libtiff-devel i386 3.6.1-12 base 804 k
libungif-devel i386 4.1.3-1.el4.2 base 107 k
xorg-x11-devel i386 6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5 update 5.1 M

Transaction Summary
Install 18 Package(s) 
Update 0 Package(s) 
Remove 0 Package(s) 
Total download size: 12 M
Is this ok [y/N]: 
.... output omitted...
Installed: gnome-libs-devel.i386 1: libaio.i386 0:0.3.105-2 libaio-devel.i386 0:0.3.105-2 openmotif21.i386 0:2.1.30-11.RHEL4.6 xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel.i386 0:6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5
Dependency Installed: ORBit-devel.i386 1:0.5.17-14 alsa-lib-devel.i386 0:1.0.6-5.RHEL4 audiofile-devel.i386 1:0.2.6-1.el4.1 esound-devel.i386 1:0.2.35-2 fontconfig-devel.i386 0:2.2.3-7.centos4 freetype-devel.i386 0:2.1.9-4.el4 glib-devel.i386 1:1.2.10-15 gtk+-devel.i386 1:1.2.10-33 imlib-devel.i386 1:1.9.13-23 libjpeg-devel.i386 0:6b-33 libtiff-devel.i386 0:3.6.1-12 libungif-devel.i386 0:4.1.3-1.el4.2 xorg-x11-devel.i386 0:6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5

2b) Install Oracle Supplied Compat Packages:

Unzip into/tmp

[rperumal@deskpro ~]$ su - root
[root@deskpro ~]# cd /tmp
[root@deskpro tmp]# unzip
creating: 4198954/
inflating: 4198954/compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5.i386.rpm 
inflating: 4198954/compat-libcwait-2.0-2.i386.rpm 
inflating: 4198954/README.txt 

Install oracle supplied packages

[root@deskpro tmp]# cd 4198954/
[root@deskpro 4198954]# rpm -Uvh compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5.i386.rpm compat-libcwait-2.0-2.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
1:compat-libcwait ########################################### [ 50%]
2:compat-oracle-rhel4 ########################################### [100%]
[root@deskpro 4198954]#

3) Create ORACLE Software owner OS User

3a) Create USER and GROUPS:

[root@deskpro ~]# groupadd dba
[root@deskpro ~]# groupadd oinstall
[root@deskpro ~]# useradd -c "Oracle software owner" -g oinstall -G dba oracle
[root@deskpro ~]# passwd oracle
Changing password for user oracle.
New UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@deskpro 4198954]# 

3b) Create Oracle Software Directory:

[root@deskpro ~]# mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0
[root@deskpro ~]# chown -R oracle.oinstall /u01
[root@deskpro ~]# chmod -R 775 /u01

4) Setup Kernel Parameters, File Handlers, and Limits

4a) Shared Memory:

Find out the default kernel parameter values

[root@deskpro ~]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
[root@deskpro ~]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni
[root@deskpro ~]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
[root@deskpro ~]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem
250 32000 32 128

If above kernel parameter values are higher than below values, do not set those parameters.

[root@deskpro ~]# echo "kernel.shmmax=1073741824" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
[root@deskpro ~]# echo "kernel.shmmni=4096" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
[root@deskpro ~]# echo "kernel.shmall=2097152" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
[root@deskpro ~]# echo "kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Adding these parameters to /etc/sysctl.conf will take effect only after reboot. To make this effective immediately, issue the following command  on the same window.

[root@deskpro ~]# sysctl -p
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
kernel.shmmax = 1073741824
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128

or the below command will set the kernel parameters temporarily  

[root@deskpro ~]# echo 1073741824 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
[root@deskpro ~]# echo 250 32000 100 128 > /proc/sys/kernel/sem

4b) File Handlers:

Find out the default file handler values

[root@deskpro ~]# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
[root@deskpro ~]# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
680 0 38091

Modify file handler limit temporarily  

[root@deskpro ~]# echo 65536 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

To make it permanent, Issue

[root@deskpro ~]# echo "fs.file-max=65536" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
[root@deskpro ~]# sysctl -p
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
kernel.shmmax = 1073741824
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536

4c) Shell Limits:

Login as root, and add below lines to  /etc/security/limits.conf 

oracle soft nofile 63536
oracle hard nofile 63536
oracle soft nproc 16384
oracle hard nproc 16384

Add soft and hard limit to ~oracle/.bash_profile  

ulimit -n 63536
ulimit -u 16384

5) Setup Temporary Swap Space

5a) Create Swap Space:

Check available memory and swap space

[root@deskpro ~]# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 385956 kB
[root@deskpro ~]# cat /proc/swaps
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/hda2 partition 1048468 160 -1

Here is the command to create temporary swap space.

[root@deskpro ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=tmpswap bs=1k count=900000
900000+0 records in
900000+0 records out
[root@deskpro ~]# chmod 600 tmpswap
[root@deskpro ~]# mkswap tmpswap
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 921595 kB
[root@deskpro ~]# swapon tmpswap

5b) Remove Swap Space:

Issue the below command to disable and remove swap space

[root@deskpro ~]# swapoff tmpswap
[root@deskpro ~]]# rm tmpswap

6) Setup Oracle Environment Variables

Add below lines to ~oracle/.bash_profile 

export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/9.2.0
export ORACLE_SID=db9i1
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm

export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data

TIP: Make sure LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.19 every time when you invoke the installer; you can verify by issuing echo $LD_ASSUME_KERNEL

7) Unpack Oracle Software Archives

Issue below command to unzip and extract cpio archive;

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ gunzip ship_9204_linux_disk1.cpio.gz ship_9204_linux_disk2.cpio.gz ship_9204_linux_disk3.cpio.gz
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ cpio -idmv < ship_9204_linux_disk1.cpio
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ cpio -idmv < ship_9204_linux_disk2.cpio
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ cpio -idmv < ship_9204_linux_disk3.cpio
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ chown -R oracle.dba Disk1/ Disk2/ Disk3/

8) Verify X-Windows

Make sure the clock (xclock) appears before you  kick off oracle installer ; Open a terminal and issue the below command

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ xclock

If you don’t see a graphical clock on the console then, Issue the below command in terminal

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ echo "DISPLAY=localhost:0.0;export DISPLAY"
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ source .bash_profile
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ xclock

If you don't see a graphical clock after setting the DISPLAY environment variable, please consult Red Hat User Manuals to configure XWindows.

9) Starting Oracle Universal Installer

Run below command to start the oracle installer, only when you succeeded step 8.  

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ cd Disk1/
deskpro Disk1]$ ./runInstaller

10) Oracle Software Installation (

Now login as root and run ./ before you click continue

[root@deskpro ~]# cd /tmp
[root@deskpro tmp]# ./ 
Creating Oracle Inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc)
Changing groupname of /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory to oinstall.
[root@deskpro tmp]# 

We will now only install Oracle Software, so Click "Custom"

Login as root and run before clicking "OK"

[root@deskpro ~]# cd /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/
[root@deskpro 9.2.0]# ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 6053 Mar 1 14:04
[root@deskpro 9.2.0]# ./
Running Oracle9 script...
\nThe following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: /usr/local/bin
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...

\nCreating /etc/oratab file...
Adding entry to /etc/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

Tip: DO NOT Choose "Perform typical configuration", If any error occurs during this stage, It might cause "ORACLE NOT AVAILABLE" error while you attempt to connect to database. In order to fix this, you will have to run the netca again.

11) Upgrading Oracle9i R2 ( to Oracle 9i R2 (

Download (4547809) and (5632264) from and copy the same into /tmp directory.

11a) Install Oracle 9i ( Software:

Login as oracle user and unzip the Oracle9i ( archive;

[oracle@deskpro tmp]$ unzip

Now invoke the Oracle Universal Installer

[oracle@deskpro tmp]$ /tmp/Disk1/install/runInstaller -paramFile /tmp/Disk1/install/oraparam.ini

Now login as root and run before you click continue

[root@deskpro ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/
-bash: /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/: is a directory
[root@deskpro ~]# cd /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/
[root@deskpro 9.2.0]# ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 7459 Mar 1 14:58
[root@deskpro 9.2.0]# ./
Running Oracle9 script...
\nThe following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: /usr/local/bin
The file "dbhome" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n) 
[n]: y
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
The file "oraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n) 
[n]: y
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
The file "coraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n) 
[n]: y
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...

Adding entry to /etc/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
[root@deskpro 9.2.0]# 

11b) Apply Oracle Daylight Savings Patch:

Unzip the archive that you copied into /tmp Directory

[oracle@deskpro tmp]$ unzip
creating: 5632264/
creating: 5632264/files/
creating: 5632264/files/oracore/
creating: 5632264/files/oracore/zoneinfo/
inflating: 5632264/files/oracore/zoneinfo/timezone.dat 
inflating: 5632264/files/oracore/zoneinfo/timezlrg.dat 
inflating: 5632264/files/oracore/zoneinfo/readme.txt 
creating: 5632264/etc/
creating: 5632264/etc/config/
inflating: 5632264/etc/config/inventory 
inflating: 5632264/etc/config/actions 
creating: 5632264/etc/xml/
inflating: 5632264/etc/xml/GenericActions.xml 
inflating: 5632264/etc/xml/ShiphomeDirectoryStructure.xml 
inflating: 5632264/README.txt 

To apply the patch, execute below commands;

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ cd /tmp
[oracle@deskpro tmp]$ ls -ld 5*
drwxr-xr-x 4 oracle oinstall 4096 Feb 19 21:13 5468695
drwxr-xr-x 4 oracle oinstall 4096 Feb 1 03:56 5632264
[oracle@deskpro tmp]$ cd 5632264
[oracle@deskpro 5632264]$ export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/OPatch
[oracle@deskpro 5632264]$ export PATH=$PATH:/sbin
[oracle@deskpro 5632264]$ which opatch
[oracle@deskpro 5632264]$ opatch apply

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from

Oracle Home = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0
Location of Oracle Universal Installer components = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/oui
Location of OraInstaller.jar = "/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/oui/jlib"
Oracle Universal Installer shared library = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/oui/lib/linux/
Location of Oracle Inventory Pointer = /etc/oraInst.loc
Location of Oracle Inventory = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/inventory
Path to Java = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/jre/1.4.2/bin/java
Log file = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/.patch_storage/5632264/Apply_5632264_03-01-2007_15-20-35.log"

Invoking fuser to check for active processes.

Backing up comps.xml ...

OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.

Please shut down Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME
(Oracle Home = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0)
Is this system ready for updating?
Please respond Y|N > 
Applying patch 5632264...

Patching copy files...

Inventory is good and does not have any dangling patches.

Updating inventory...

Verifying patch...
Verifying that patch ID is in Oracle Home inventory.

Verifying copy files.

OPATCH_VERIFY_OK: Patch has been applied.

Backing up comps.xml ...

OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@deskpro 5632264]$ 

To verify the applied patch, execute below commands;

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ opatch lsinventory

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from

Oracle Home = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0
Location of Oracle Universal Installer components = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/oui
Location of OraInstaller.jar = "/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/oui/jlib"
Oracle Universal Installer shared library = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/oui/lib/linux/
Location of Oracle Inventory Pointer = /etc/oraInst.loc
Location of Oracle Inventory = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/inventory
Path to Java = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/jre/1.4.2/bin/java
Log file = /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/.patch_storage/LsInventory__03-01-2007_15-31-47.log"


Installed Patch List:
1) Patch 5632264 applied on Thu Mar 01 15:21:48 CST 2007
[ Base Bug(s): 5632264 ]

OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ 

12) Database Creation

The section demonstrate how to create a "General Purpose" database using Database Configuration Assistant

Login as oracle, and use dbca to create the database

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ dbca

13) Database Startup and Shutdown

To Start Database, Login as oracle and Issue:

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Mar 1 15:57:54 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

SQL> conn / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 252776884 bytes
Fixed Size 450996 bytes
Variable Size 134217728 bytes
Database Buffers 117440512 bytes
Redo Buffers 667648 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> quit
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ 

To Shutdown Database, Login as oracle and Issue:

[oracle@deskpro ~]$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Mar 1 15:59:30 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> quit
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
[oracle@deskpro ~]$ 

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