Ram Perumal

I’m a coffee lover—no other drink gives me as much motivation as a cup of filtered-coffee, day or night. I love data, passionate about data architecture, analytics and optimization. I architect and coach teams to build healthier, scalable and optimally performing data-intensive applications; and help enterprises develop insights that drive action, performance and business growth.

Managing Oracle database services

This post summarizes on how to start, stop and to check the status of Oracle database services. Oracle 10g Oracle Listener: To Start, execute the following command: $ su – oracle $ lsnrctl start To Stop, execute the following command: $ su – oracle $ lsnrctl stop Grid Control for Database Management: To Start, execute …

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Removing Oracle 10g Software from Linux Server

This article briefs about the steps that are required to remove Oracle 10g software from Linux server using Oracle Universal Installer and manually. Removing Oracle 10g Software Using Oracle Universal Installer Identify all instances associated with the Oracle home: To identify all instances associated with the Oracle home that you want to remove, issue the …

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