Software Performance and Scalability: A Quantitative Approach (Wiley, May 2009) is for people involved in designing, developing, testing, implementing and managing enterprise applications. This book provides the necessary quantitative foundation, analytical and measurement aspects of performance and scalability – effective blend of studies and practical examples, which makes it thorough, it easier to read and informative.
Author has divided this book into three parts: Part 1: The Basics – This part lays the foundation for understanding the factors that affect the performance and scalability of a software product in general. Part 2: Applying Queuing Theory – Queuing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines or queues for a system that depends on limited resources to complete certain tasks. Part 3: Applying API Profiling – API profiling provides quantitative information about how a software program is executed internally at the API level. Such information is useful in identifying the most expensive execution paths from performance and scalability perspectives.
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As you read, you will realize that virtualization environment and its effects on scalability and performance is not covered in this book. Hope to see this in the future editions. It is a must read for anyone who is serious about building enterprise level products or applications. I hope you’ll enjoy this book as much as I have had and it is a happy addition to my library.